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3D multiplayer chess

This website is a 3D chess game that lets you play online against anyone by creating a lobby name. after creating the name for the lobby send the name of the lobby to whoever you are playing against so they can join the game for the rules of chess use this link

How it works

the graphics for this game are made using threejs, and the multiplayer functionality of the game is made using firebase

Blocks (WIP)

This is a 3d block game similar to minecraft. the game currently only has spectator mode and alows you to build using a list of commands and blocks found here.

How it works

the graphics for this game are made using threejs, and later on worlds will be downloadable from other players using firebase.

3D collatz

this program is a 3D visualization of the 3n+1 equation. to learn more about the equation you can vistit this wikipedia page.

How it works

this program uses threejs and instanced meshes to draw lots of lines and still have good preformance on low preformance computers